Friday, September 5, 2008


I've had a chance to look over all of the projects. I studied some of the projects during the day on Thursday multiple times. Amazing work. You should study each other's projects carefully. The level of design in some of the projects is remarkable, and the projects offer a copious summary of Ong's work and much more above and beyond the assignment's requirements. Individual evaluations will follow in email -- perhaps you can write to me with your self-evaluation -- not saying good or bad, but talking about what you intended and what you accomplished. In the meantime, please look through these remarkable projects. Thanks.

Those of you who are teaching now might think about how we could use these projects to appeal to students who very well might live most of the time in an electronic-orality. We might also think about how these projects could teach my colleagues who really have no idea of our doctoral program's focus, or why we should study technological change in terms of literacy, communication, or identity formation. You have gone far in answering that question in pithy and delightful ways. Congratulations.

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