Thursday, September 4, 2008

Adam Fields - Assignment One (Ong)

Hello all, 

Here are the links to my timeline and charts.  I've confirmed that everything works in both Firefox and Safari, but let me know if you have another browser and I'll make the necessary arrangements.

I had loftier designs on the timeline (but couldn't learn the html to execute them), but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Maggie Cotto: Ong Module 1

Hi everyone,

All files are in pdf format. To view the timeline: right click> rotate clockwise> view at 150%. The chart and works cited pages should be straightforward. Thanks to John B., Sonia and Paul.

John Lamothe's Module 1

Here's my timeline and chart. Thanks to Paul and Sonia for the tremendous help.

The links should be live with the timeline. The video clips of McLuhan and Derrida are especially interesting in my opinion.

I posted the chart as both a Photoshop JPEG. Please let me know if there are problems viewing it in a larger format.

John L.

John Bork: Visual Translation Assignment

Sonia's Ong assignment

Here are my chart and timeline. Thanks to those who helped!

You'll probably have to view them online, rather than printing them, because of the page size.

Paul Czech: Assignment 1

Hi all,

Here are links to my work...I really enjoyed working on this project!

Paul's Timeline

Paul's Chart

Also, thanks to all those who helped...John, Stacey, Meghan and Sonia... :-)


Meghan's Ong Assignment

Good morning! Please see the links below for my Ong project. Documents were created in Excel and Word and then converted to pdf's and uploaded to a Wordpress blog.

Meghan's Chart

Meghan's Timeline

Works Cited


Stacey's Ong Assignment

Hi Everyone:

Without further ado, here is my Ong project. I made the timeline using MS Excel and the flow chart was created with MS Word (then converted to PDF). I had a difficult time uploading my timeline into a blog, but thankfully Paul Czech uploaded my work onto his server. The links are below.

Hope you enjoy what I have put together. I hope I did Ong's work a bit of justice. I enjoyed this assignment and learned several new "techy" skills that I will hold dear (one, making a timeline using Excel)!

Many thanks to Paul C. and Meghan G. for their comments and feedback over the week. I hope I returned the favor. Many thanks as well to Sonia for the PDF suggestion on our discussion forum. While I didn't get a chance to try your suggestion out, I'll keep it in mind for the next time.



Blog, Webcourses Site, and E-Mail

Please remember to check the blog regularly -- at least once a day. I change posts and assignments, add new posts with required or strongly suggested readings, and ask for feedback.

Your comments about module 1 in the discussions here are very impressive -- and I haven't even seen the time-lines and charts that you are discussing.

I am hesistant to set-up email here, and if you have a question just for me [e.g., you've won the lotto and want to share the funds with your teachers], then send those to my email. If you have a question that others would benefit from reading and answering, then post it to these discussions.

I think it is important that you start sharing your email addresses among yourselves -- that's how you will communicate with most of your colleagues for future publications -- not using webmail.

I am currently co-editing two volumes, and one co-editor lives in Kamloops British Columbia Canada, the other lives in NH and works in Boston. On another project, the co-editor lives in Barcelona and we are working with a Press in Copenhagen. Another project I'm working on the editors live in Milwaukee.

Once you all become professors or professionals, you will no doubt communicate with me online.

Will that change the sensorium, way we communicate, and our identity formation? What would Ong say? What would Drucker say about the graphic design as a medium -- neutral, natural, or no effect on the content?

I'll post this to the blog as well as to the course discussions inside webcourses.