Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Looking Forward to First Assignments

Tomorrow our blog will be filled with time-lines (diachronic analysis) and charts (synchronic analysis) on Walter Ong.

Please also remember to include the name of the person(s) who gave you comments on your time-line and charts as a draft. About half of you used the webcourses, and the other half used some other means.

After you hand-in the assignments electronically on the blog, please scroll down to the last handful of blog entries if you have not already. Especially, comment on the entry below that asks for comments. I am strongly leaning toward having part of the next module or maybe a future module delivered as a blog-report in the style of or another video-blog. I don't want to scare anyone; so, I am also thinking that perhaps you could collaborate? And, perhaps we could wait to module 3?

I've been re-reading McVarish/Drucker and enjoying it; I think it is a good model for a history of texts and technology. I am thinking that your blog reports would be as if you were teachers [and many -- perhaps most -- of you already are teachers] of this history of text design textbook. The goal here is to allow you to become teachers; my role is guide, quiet analyzer, and exemplar. You might want to search for my video experiments online ... Outside In ... at least one of you knows a quick-link to it.

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