Monday, September 1, 2008

Options for Module 2

For the assignment on Drucker/McVarish [module 2], please consider delivering your work as a video-blog post. A potential model for this type of delivery is

Of course, I have not [yet] included this possibility in the module 2. Let me know what you think in the comments section of this post.


Stacey said...

Hi Dr. Saper:

I know you don't want to scare us, but I have to admit, I am a bit scared about this option. The video-blog seems like a daunting task (only because I've never produced one before). If everyone wants to experiment with this format, though, I like the idea of collaborating or maybe waiting until the next module. If we do decide to go with this option, we'll need time to trouble-shoot (at least I know I will)!



sanoe said...

I would second Stacy's comment. I think this would be interesting to do, but have no experience with video blogging. I think working collaboratively would be helpful, since some of us are more tech-savvy than others (not that I want to lean on those who are).

If we do go this route, I for one would need to be directed to a how-to guide and where to get access to the equipment/software we'd need to do this. Is the T & T lab in Colbourn equipped for this?


American Socrates said...

I think the video blog concept represents a new challenge for how scholarly ideas may be communicated, but at the same time feel it may be a little much. While I would love to update my home computing resources for such an undertaking, I too would have to lean heavily on ready-at-hand technology in the T&T lab so as not to spend 75% of the effort in 'futz time' (Bill Gates term).

Perhaps offer this as an option, along with a more 'traditional' slide show approach?